Watch the Rook and Rasp GODSEND Agenda actual play.

Please enjoy the Actual play with the folks from Rook and Rasp. A great game with a great bunch of humans. I enjoyed running this game, and swimming in the same waters with such great people was a privilege.

Seriously, Let’s Play – S4, Episode 1 – Godsend Agenda 3rd Ed
GODSEND Agenda: ORIGINS GAME FAIR 2023, Booth 1206

GODSEND Agenda: Pantheons

The core book is in transit to its next home in the states, but I have something new to share; GODSEND Agenda: Pantheons artwork! Pantheons is the companion book to the core and is loaded with Pantheons, expanded information about the factions populating the universe.

GODSEND Agenda PDF on sale now!

The GODSEND Agenda 3rd edition PDF is available at DriveThruRPG.

A complete reimagining and revamp of the GODSEND Agenda milieu is available for a special introductory $10 price!

What would you do with the power of a God?


I’ve created a monster!

Hey readers!
I just finished the “beta” layout of the GODSEND Agenda. The book is exactly 500 pages. This book is officially the biggest thing I have ever produced, and I can say without a doubt that it will be a complete game.
Why is the game so big? Two reasons:

  • The font size. Instead of a smaller font that would save my page count, I went with a legible font size.
  • Each chapter is comprehensive. I didn’t hold anything back for a future supplement. Everything you need or will ever need for a game of GODSEND Agenda is found between the covers. Think of any GODSEND Agenda supplement as gravy and not something you need.

The PDF is going out to the Kickstarter backers to enjoy. Once I have the layout 100% nailed down and have a few odds and ends in hand, the book will be done.

I look forward to sharing this with the world.

Below are sample pages torn from the book